I like to focus on your needs rather than proscribe a package and there are as many particular needs as websites! I can help you with all sorts of problems…
- Get your start-up on its feet with some branding and your first website!
- Update that embarrassingly old site you’ve been meaning to get around to (it’s letting you down!)
- Create a neat little website to frame your business (it’s like a 21st century business card).
- Present your portfolio to the world putting it in the best possible light without getting in the way of your work.
- Craft blogs or ancillary sites to help you promote your existing website.
- Help your charity get the word out (I do discounts for registered charities!)
I could tell you all about how excited CSS & PHP make me but I’m not sure you’d want to hear all that technical stuff. I’d much rather talk about your project and how we can make it great.